Italian Copywriter, Content Writer

• Writing of commercial copy and editorial content, among others: texts for web pages, social media, newsletters, blog posts, promotional and advertising texts, press releases, product presentations, help and instruction texts, customer support texts, training materials

• Terminology management, creation and maintenance of glossaries and editorial guidelines

Translator, Localization Specialist

• Language pairs: English> Italian, German > Italian, Spanish > Italian

• Main subject areas: banking, finance, insurance, taxes, marketing, advertising, law, contracts, legal texts, hotel industry, tourism, sports, gambling, gaming, information technology, consumer products, user manuals, education, politics

• Localization of websites, software, mobile apps, graphic user interfaces

• MTPE (machine translation post-editing)

• Proofreading and quality assurance

• CAT tools: Trados Studio, XTM, MemoQ

20+ years of working experience
Based in Vienna, Austria

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my services or if you would like to request a non-binding quote:

(Austria) +43 676 7854 233
(Italy) +39 334 8132 902

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